APR Atlas

Sold. 2015 14.1 1/4h grey Quarter Horse mare. Great first pony, eligible green. 


Sale Horses


2007 Bay KWPN Gelding. Chapeau can do double duty! Great first jumper up to the 1.15m and is also great in the 3’ equitation ring.


2005 Dark Bay Warmblood Mare “Koko” is a proven 2’6” – 3’ winner. Top ribbons all over the country and many year end zone and

Clint One

2007 Bay Hanoverian Gelding “Uno” has plenty of stride and scope. Proven 2’6” winner with an extensive show  record.

Major Sassafras

2007 Bay Thoroughbred Cross mare. Proven short stirrup and 2’6” winner. Can take riders from poles to the 2’6” divisions and build confidence. USEF #5354045

Happier Than Ever

2015 Bay 16.2 3/8hh Dutch Warmblood Gelding. Great junior hunter, potential to be excellent equitation horse. Brave and scopey. USEF #5748829