Can you believe summer vacation has ended?! I hope everyone had a safe and restful summer. We were busy horse showing and doing necessary repairs to our barns. A big thank you to Al and his guys for making sure all our structures are safe and presentable for our equine partners. An especially big thank you to Katherine for holding down the fort while we were off competing.
As we return to the classrooms and work places, we ask that you continue to self- monitor. Please do not come to the barn if you have a cough or fever. If you are not feeling well, err on the conservative side and do not come to the barn. Help us keep the barn environment safe from COVID, the new COVID variants, and other transmittable illnesses.
If you have been exposed to COVID get a negative COVID test prior to retuning to the barn. If you test positive for COVID, we ask that you do not come to the barn for ten days from the day of your first symptom. Additionally, you must have 2 days of no fever and no symptoms. If you cannot go to your office or your child cannot go to school, please do not come to the barn.
We spent five weeks horse showing in Traverse City Michigan. (Lucky us!) Here are some of the highlights.
Week 1
Julia Sand and Dressed Up aka Bella had a great weekend! Julia was Champion in the Short Stirrup Equitation and Reserve Champion in the Short Stirrup Hunters! They also placed first in the Short Stirrup Hunter Classic!
Jordan Fama and Victoria Johnson’s Brazos also had a great weekend! Jordan was Champion in the Low Adult Equitation along with placing fifth in the Low Adult Hunter Classic.
Week 2
Jordan and Brazos upped their game from week 1. They were Champion in the Low Adult Equitation and Reserve Champion in the Low Adult Hunters. The pair were also second in the Low Hunter Classic!
Julia and Bella placed fourth in the Short Stirrup Classic.
Emma Roberts and Pinto Bean aka Spot galloped to fifth out of 45 entries in the Low A/O Speed Class.
Week 3
Jordan and Brazos continued to dominate the Low Adult Equitation Division by being Champion for a third week in a row! She also repeated her second place finish in the Low Adult Hunter Classic!
Liston Johnson’s Grafton won the USHJA 2’-9” Hunter under saddle with Caroline Molther in the irons.
Elisabeth Merak and Chambertino 2 aka Tino sealed the deal on points to qualify for the Hunt Seat Medal Finals in Harrisburg in October. Congratulations Elisabeth! And Good Luck!
Week 4
Elle Wuertz and On Star aka Star were Champion in the Short Stirrup Equitation along with being Reserve Champion in the Short Stirrup Hunters.
Emory Wuertz rode On Star in her first walk class where she earned a third place finish.
Liston won an Intermediate Hunter over Fences class with Brazos. This show was the pairs first time showing together. Liston also won a Low Children’s Hunter over fences class on Jumping Jack aka JJ. Caroline Molther rode Liston’s Grafton to a blue ribbon in the USHJA 2’-6” Hunter under saddle.
Week 5
Elle Wuertz had a great last week showing in Michigan. She was Champion in both the Short Stirrup Hunters and Equitation. Her sister Emory stepped it up in the Walk class where she got the red ribbon.
Liston Johnson also had a great last week of showing in Michigan. She was Reserve Champion in the Intermediate Children/Adult Hunters on Grafton. She then followed that up by winning the Low Children’s Hunter Classic on Brazos with scores of 82 and 80.
Caroline Molther and Chapeau scored a blue ribbon round in the 0.90-meter on Thursday.
The Sands did a little shopping while in Michigan. Julia came home with a new horse, Cordova Z aka Cinco. Her mom couldn’t let Julia have all the fun though! She came home with Kasperato aka Kasper. Good luck ladies with your new horses!
Anyone wishing to show at the Southwest Showdown, September 22-26, 2021 or GSEC Fall Classic, September 29-October 3, 2021 please e-mail [email protected] by Friday, September 3. There are classes for everyone.
Despite the fact that we are just entering September, we need to think about January in Wellington. If you have an interest in going to Wellington the first three weeks of January or if you have questions please contact Patty. We are not looking for firm commitments as of yet. We are just looking to see if there is an interest.
A big welcome to our new riders; Elizabeth Carter, Katarina Hackman, Ari Lee, Jessica Marziani, Margaux Peterson, Lilly and Lucy Scarbrough, Katie Stetzer and Ellie Tapp.
We wish Sophy Aramburo good luck with her new teaching position at Poe Elementary School. She will be teaching fourth grade.
We will continue to be on modified summer hours until Wednesday, September 1 , 2021. We recognize that most of our Junior riders will have returned to school by then, but the hot days of summer will still be present in Houston. For the safety of our riders and their mounts, we will continue to have shortened hours in the afternoon and continue to close on Friday afternoons. We will reopen for Friday afternoon riding on September 10, 2021.
Starting Wednesday, September 1, 2021, you will sign up for all week day lessons on Time Tree. We will offer one morning lesson per day.
Afternoon horse lessons will be offered at 3, 4 and 6 pm. Pony lessons will be offered at 3 and 5 pm. Please sign up at least 24 hours prior to the lesson. If you decide after the 24 hour deadline to add or change a lesson, please contact Patty directly. Additionally, please cancel lessons with Patty 24 hours in advance to avoid a lesson charge. Weekend lessons will be assigned. If you need help with Time Tree, please contact Katherine. If you have a question or concern about lessons please contact Patty.
Important Contacts
- Office Phone: 713-683-8636
- Office e-mail: [email protected] (Katherine and Patty read this e-mail address.)
- Patty Roberts: 713-805-8266
- Patty’s e-mail: [email protected] (This e-mail address is read only by Patty.)
- Amanda Burnett (Bookkeeper): 713-922-5615
- Amanda’s e-mail address: [email protected] (All billing questions should be directed to Amanda: Patty also reads these e-mails.)
- Alejandro: 713-805-8268
Please do not phone or text our staff before 8 am or after 7 pm unless you are having a legitimate emergency . Monday is our day off, please do not phone or text the staff unless you have a valid emergency. I monitor all e-mails, I respond as quickly as possible. We will not be responding to e-mail or text while we are teaching or riding.
Please let us know by e-mail, [email protected], if you will be out of town for Labor Day Weekend.
Happy Labor Day!